Your wallet is your Mirror blog
Each Mirror account is tied directly to a wallet. For example, if the wallet address you used to create your Mirror account is 0x123...456 and has an ENS of alice.eth, then your Mirror account address will be or
Every post you publish is tied directly to that wallet, ensuring any reader can validate the provenance of the blog post by simply looking at the Mirror account address. Given the direct relationship between the wallet and the Mirror publication, ownership of an account cannot be transferred.
If the wallet has been compromised or you have lost access to the wallet, you will need to create a new Mirror account in order to continue securely using Mirror. Your existing account cannot be transferred. Blog posts would need to be migrated one by one and republished.
Subdomain ownership
Some Mirror users have a custom subdomain such as, obtained by burning a $WRITE token. In this case, ownership can be transferred.
If you have a custom subdomain and would like to transfer ownership of your subdomain to another address, please submit a support request. In the request, please include:
- your current subdomain
- the current subdomain owner's Ethereum address
- the new subdomain owner's Ethereum address
After receiving your request, we will follow up over email with further instructions.