With the launch of Writing NFTs 2.0 we updated our Writing NFT renderer so that all collected entries are viewable in their entirety outside of Mirror on supported wallets and marketplaces, such as OpenSea.
In order to make your entries that were minted prior to the update viewable in your collectors' wallets and on marketplaces, you'll need to manually set the renderer to the new renderer using Etherscan. Note that you'll need the wallet you originally published with, as well as some ETH on Optimism as all Writing NFTs were previously minted on Optimism.
1. In order to update the renderer on your Writing NFT, first navigate to the bottom of your entry on Mirror and click on “NFT ADDRESS”, which will take you to OpenSea.
2. On OpenSea, click "View on Etherscan", which will take you to the Etherscan page for the Writing NFT contract:
3. On Etherscan, navigate to the "Contract" tab and click on the "Write Contract" subtab:
4. Connect wallet, and scroll down to the `setRenderer` field and paste in the address of the Mirror Renderer (0x680F5da83cC5327203ef6DdeC4b941363fa37086):
5. Hit "Write" and you'll execute a transaction on Optimism to update the renderer.
6. Once the transaction is complete, you can return to OpenSea and click on a token and "Refresh Metadata". Within a few minutes, the image should update and you should be able to read the entry directly from OpenSea.
Currently, viewing entries are supported on a handful of marketplaces and wallets, and we are working on increasing support across the ecosystem. Note that you may have to manually refresh the metadata to see the entry pop up.